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Tips of Hair Care
Date 2024.03.01

Basic introduction of hair

Humans have about 80,000 to 120,000 hair follicles on the scalp since birth. As age increases and the influence of living habits, the number of hair follicles will only decrease and no new hair follicles will be produced. Hair is composed of protein, which mainly provides oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles through blood, thereby promoting hair growth. In addition, when hair grows, it needs moisture from sebaceous glands to make the hair softer and shiny. The growth of hair follicles is a cycle, which can be divided into growth phase, involution phase and resting phase. Each hair follicle grows at a different rate and will be in different growth stages at the same time. The hair begins to lengthen and thicken during the anagen phase. During the catagen phase, the connection strength between the hair and the hair follicles decreases, and they gradually loosen until they fall off completely, and the hair follicles officially enter the repair phase. The hair growth cycle is reflected in daily life. Under normal conditions, about 100 hairs will fall out a day on average.

Lifestyle habits

  • Balanced nutrition intake: Balanced nutrition can maintain the normal operation of body functions while stably providing hair follicle nutrition. In addition, it can increase protein intake, which helps to maintain the strength of hair and prevent it from breaking easily. In addition, some studies have pointed out that the lack of the following elements has a more profound impact on hair health:Iron, zinc, selenium, folic acid, fatty acids, vitamins D, E, A
  • Scalp massage: Massaging the scalp can relax tight muscles and release stress, while promoting blood circulation and increasing the supply of nutrients to hair follicles.
  • Reduce dyeing and perming: The heat during the dyeing and perming process can cause hair breakage. You can use heat protection products to reduce direct damage to hair quality.

Recommended hair care ingredients

  • Caffeine: It can promote blood circulation and act as a natural antioxidant, which can protect hair follicles from free radical damage.
  • Hairdian AP: Extracted from ginger, orientalis, red clover and mugwort, it helps balance sebum secretion and promotes hair follicles to enter a new growth cycle.
  • Scalpatron VGP: Extracted from vitex, gentian, and fleece-flower root, it soothes scalp itching and provides protective effects, reducing scalp inflammation and pressure.